一直想尝试一下All-in-One的方案,但是无奈手边并没有支持iommu的设备,正值双十一之际,就在我决定挑选硬件组装一台All-in-One PC时,我突然想到,自己的小米游戏本有没有可能支持iommu呢?一念之间,我已经做好了Debian live的U盘,此时,神奇的事情发生了。。。
一直想尝试一下All-in-One的方案,但是无奈手边并没有支持iommu的设备,正值双十一之际,就在我决定挑选硬件组装一台All-in-One PC时,我突然想到,自己的小米游戏本有没有可能支持iommu呢?一念之间,我已经做好了Debian live的U盘,此时,神奇的事情发生了。。。
我大约是从2020年开始接触PCDN,当时在我的小出租屋里面,通过Windows Hyper V部署了一个网心云,本就抱着试试看的态度,没想到收益竟意外的不错,从此就踏上了PCDN赚钱之路。在此也总结一下以往的经验。
Public IPv4 addresses become much rarer in recent years, at the same time IPv6 grows rapidly and most ISPs have started supported it. To remote access to plex media server via IPv6, some configurations need to be setup.
There are mainly two ways of storing multimedia: keeping them in client, or in server. For the later option, three softwares can be chose: Plex, Emby and Jellyfin. Today let’s talk about the last one —— Jellyfin.
Normally, in Fiber-to-Home condition, optical modem will take charge of PPPoE dialing, then the router connected to it will regard it as a gateway. Such scheme will lead to 2 limitations: Double NAT and Public IP restriction. To solve them, we need to hack the modem and make it working in bridge mode.
Pathways: Dynamic Leadership
Level 2-3: Introduction to Toastmasters Mentoring
Recently I bought a new deveopment board: iTop-4412, which is based on samsung exynos 4412. Hoping this new board will increase my understanding of Linux and hardware.
21 century is a data world, we generate data, we consume data, and we protect data. Want to do more? Maybe you can follow this article.
Pathways: Dynamic Leadership
Level 2-2: Understanding Your Communication Style